Research & Development

Publications & Citations

Over 30+ peer-reviewed publications showcasing groundbreaking ENT research, with citations in global medical journals, advancing hearing health and treatment innovation.

List of Publications

Lack of Association of Mitochondrial tRNA(Leu) A3243G Mutation with Allergic Chronic Rhinosinusitis Pathogenesis in South Indian Population.

Raja Meghanadh Koralla, Sunita G Kumar, Santoshi Kumari Manche, Jujjuvarapu Venkata Ramakrishna, Shehnaz Sultana, Madhavi Jangala and Pardhananda Reddy Penuguluru.
J Genet Genome Res 10:055.

Allergic Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Look at NAT2A Gene Polymorphisms

Madhavi Jangala, Raja Meghanadh Koralla, Santoshi Kumari Manche, Pardhananda Reddy Penuguluru, Shehnaz Sultana, Sunita Giri Kumar Jyothy Akka

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 13 Issue 4.

Association of tinnitus and hearing loss in otological disorders: a decade-long epidemiological study in a South Indian population

SK Manche, J Madhavi, KR Meghanadh, A Jyothy
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 82 (6), 643-649, 2016.

Association of oxidative stress gene polymorphisms with presbycusis

SK Manche, M Jangala, P Putta, RM Koralla, J Akka
Gene 593 (2), 277-283 2016.

Evaluation of cytotoxicity of atenolol in Allium cepa L

M Jangala, S Manche, S Mudigonda, MK Raja, BR Sangras, V Konagurtu

Int J Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2, 18-24 2012.

Polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes are associated with susceptibility to presbycusis

SK Manche, M Jangala, D Dudekula, M Koralla, J Akka

Life sciences 196, 77-83, 2018.

Prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomanas aeruginosa in middle ear fluids of chronic suppurative otitis media and chronic rhinosinusitis.

J Madhavi, M Santoshi, KR Meghanadh, A Jyothy

International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45, 101-102 2016.

A Large Study on Otological Diseases from South India: A Decade Report

MS Kumari, J Madhavi, KR Meghanadh, A Jyothy
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45, 334, 2016.

Prevalence of otitis media and its hearing loss in children of South Indian population

SK Manche, M Jangala, RM Koralla, J Akka
J Ear Nose Throat Disord 1 (1), 1003 2016.

Prevalence and associated risk factors of otitis media and its subtypes in South Indian population

MS Kumari, J Madhavi, NB Krishna, KR Meghanadh, A Jyothy
Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences 17 (2), 57-62, 2016.

Prevalence of otological disorders in diabetic cases with hearing loss

MS Kumari, KR Meganadh, J Madhavi, A Jyothy
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism 7 (04) 2016.

Microbial Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Rhinosinusitis in South Indian Population

M Jangala, RM Koralla, SK Manche, J Akka
Otolaryngology: Open Access 2016.

Evaluation of microbial pathogenicity in otitis media

MS Kumari, J Madhavi, JV Ramakrishna, KR Meganadh, A Jyothi
Biotechnological Research 1 (3), 160-165 2015.

Role of UCP1 and UCP2 gene polymorphisms in Presbycusis

MS Kumari, J Madhavi, K Raja Meganadh, A Jyothy
J Mol Biomarker Design 2015 6 :4 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19759.94886

Sagar GR, Jha BC, Meghanadh KR. A study of anatomy of frontal recess in patients suffering from chronic frontal sinus diseases. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery, 2013; 65(2):435-9.

Gupta AK, Shah N, Kameswaran M, Rai D, Janakiram TN, Chopra H, Nayar R, Soni A, Mohindroo NK, Rao CMS, Bansal S, Meghnadh KR, Vaid N, Patel HM, Sood S, Kanojia S, Charaya K, Pandhi SC, Mann SBS. Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis. Clin Rhinol An Int J 2012; 5(2): 72-86.

Dr.K.R.Meghanadh and D.S.Sethi.(Eds.). (2012). Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, New Delhi, India: ELSEVIER. 41-62.

Dr.B.C.Jha and Dr.K.R.Meghanadh. (2012). Primary Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.

Dr.K.R.Meghanadh and Dr.B.C.Jha. (2011). Surgical treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis, V.P.Sood (Ed.). Chronic Rhinosinusitis. 90-117. New Delhi, India: ELSEVIER.

SK Manche, M Jangala, D Dudekula, M Koralla, J Akka Polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes are associated with susceptibility to presbycusis Life sciences 196, 77-83

Jangala M, Koralla RM, Manche SK, Akka J (2016) Microbial Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Rhinosinusitis in South Indian Population. Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 6: 248.

Madhavi J, Kumari MS, Meganadh KR, Jyothy A. Prevalence and antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in middle ear fluids of chronic suppurative otitis media and chronic rhinosinusitis patients undergoing ear surgery. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2016 Volume 45, 101 - 102.

Manche SK, Jangala M, Putta P, Koralla RM, Akka J. Association of oxidative stress gene polymorphisms with presbycusis. Gene. 2016 Nov 30; 593(2):277-83. 2016.08.029. Epub 2016 Aug 22.

Kumari MS, Meganadh KR, Madhavi J, Jyothy A (2016) Prevalence of Otological Disorders in Diabetic Cases with Hearing Loss. J Diabetes Metab 7:666.

Manche Santoshi Kumari, Jangala Madhavi, Nagalla Bala Krishna, Koralla Raja Meghanadh, Akka Jyothy. Prevalence and associated risk factors of otitis media and its subtypes in South Indian population, Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences, Available online 17 June 2016, ISSN 2090-0740

Kumari MS, Madhavi J, Meghanadh KR, Jyothy A (2016) A Large Study on Otological Diseases from South India: A Decade Report. J Ear Nose Throat Disord 1(1): 1003

Manche Santoshi Kumari, Jangala Madhavi, Koralla Raja Meganadh, Akka Jyothy. Association of Tinnitus and Hearing Loss in Otological Disorders: An Epidemiological Study of a Decade in a South Indian Population. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

Manche Santoshi Kumari, Jangala Madhavi, Jujjuvarapu Venkata Ramakrishna, Koralla RajaMeganadh, Akka Jyothy. Evaluation of microbial pathogenicity in otitis media. Biotec Res J.2015; 1(3):160-165

S.K. Manche, M. Jangala, R.M. Koralla, J. Akka. Prevalence of otitis media and its hearing loss in children of South Indian population, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2016 Volume 45, 334

Manche Santoshi Kumari, Akka Jyothy, Jangala Madhavi, Koralla Raja Meganadh. Role of UCP1 and UCP2 gene polymorphisms in Presbycusis. J Mol Biomark Diagn 2015, 6:4.

Madhavi Jangala, Santoshi Manche, Suman Mudigonda, Meghanadh Koralla Raja, Bapu Rao Sangras, Vaidyanath Konagurtu. Evaluation of cytotoxicity of Atenolol in Allium cepa. L. International Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology; 2012; 2 (2): 18-24.

Sulekha S, Madhavi J, Venkateshwari A, Yasmeen S, Pratibha N. Superoxide dismutase phenotypes in duodenal ulcers. A genetic marker?. Indian J Hum Genet, 2006; 12:125-8.

List of Citations

SK Manche, J Madhavi, KR Meganadh, A Jyothy
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 82 (6), 643-649, 2016

  1. Tinnitus
    CA Bauer
    N Engl J Med 378, 1224-1231, 2018
    DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp150663
  2. Does stapes surgery improve tinnitus in patients with otosclerosis?,
    Onur Ismi, Osman Erdogan, Mesut Yesilova, Cengiz Ozcan, Didem Ovla et al.,
    Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 83 (5) 568-573 2017
  3. Epidemiology of Clinically Significant Tinnitus. A 10-Year Trend From Nationwide Health Claims Data in South Korea
    Lee, Hyun Min; Han, Kyung do; Kong, Soo Keun; Nam, Eui Cheol; Park, Shi Nae et al., Otology & Neurotology 39 (6) 680–687, 2018
    doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001832.
  4. Epidemiology of tinnitus: prevalence and risk factors in different age groups
    TIAN Ruru, SUN Jianjun
    Chinese Journal of Otology 14 (6) 2016.
  5. Risk Factors for Tinnitus in 37,692 Patients Followed in General Practices in Germany Kostev, Karel; Alymova, Svetlana; Kössl, Manfred; Jacob, Louis
    Otology & Neurotology 40(4) 436–440 2019
    doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000002161.
  6. Management of adult patients with tinnitus: Preparedness, perspectives and practices of audiologists.
    Dawood, F., Khan, N. B., and Bagwandin, V. The South African journal of communication disorders 66 (1) 1–10 2019. doi:10.4102/sajcd.v66i1.621
  7. Clinical profile and implications of tinnitus in individuals with and without hearing loss Jaíse Thainara Mores; Amanda Bozza; Cristiana Magni; Raquel Leme Casali; Maria Isabel Ramos do Amaral.
    CoDAS, 31 (6) 2019
  8. Missed hearing loss in tinnitus patients with normal audiograms, Binbin Xiong, Zhao Liu, Qianxu Liu, Yue Peng, Huiqing Wu, et al, Hearing Research, 384, 2019.

Gene paper-oxidative stress in Presbycusis

  1. Down-expression of P2RX2, KCNQ5, ERBB3 and SOCS3 through DNA hypermethylation in elderly women with presbycusis
    Amal Bouzid, Ibtihel Smeti, Leila Dhouib, Magali Roche, Imen Achour et al.,
    Biomarkers, 23 (4) 347-356 2018
    DOI: 10.1080/1354750X.2018.1427795.
  2. RNA-sequencing study of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in sporadic Meniere’s disease patients: possible contribution of immunologic dysfunction to the development of this disorder.
    Sun, Y., Zhang, D., Sun, G., Lv, Y., Li, Y., Li, X., et al., Clin Exp Immunol, 192: 33-45. . (2018)
  3. The genetic vulnerability to cisplatin ototoxicity: a systematic review.
    Tserga, E., Nandwani, T., Edvall, N.K. et al. Sci Rep 9, 3455 (2019)
  4. Polymorphisms in the Uncoupling Protein 2 Gene Are Associated with Diabetic Retinopathy in Han Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
    Tai-Cheng Zhou, Lei Yang, Yong-Ying Liu, Yuan Qin, Yi-Ping Li, et al.,
    Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 2018 22:11, 637-643.
  5. Association of Glutathione s-transferase M1 and T1 gene polymorphisms with the susceptibility to acquired sensorineural hearing loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Zong, S., Zeng, X., Guan, Y. et al. Sci Rep 9, 833 2019
  6. Application of CRS-PCR-RFLP to identify CYP1A1 gene polymorphism.
    Ding, M, Duan, X, Feng, X, Wang, P, Wang, W. J Clin Lab Anal. 2017; 31:e22149.
  7. Association between Uncoupling Protein 2 Gene Ala55val Polymorphism and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
    Koide, Y., Teranishi, M., Sugiura, S., Uchida, Y., Nishio, N., Kato, K et al.,
    The journal of international advanced otology 14(2) 166–169 2018
  8. Wilkerson, B.A., Chitsazan, A.D., VandenBosch, L.S. et al. Open chromatin dynamics in prosensory cells of the embryonic mouse cochlea.
    Sci Rep 9, 9060 2019 doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45515-2.
  9. Unravelling the causes of inner ear disease
    Pereira, Marisa Flook 2017
  1. First report of anticancer agent, lapachol producing endophyte, Aspergillus niger of Tabebuia argentea and its in vitro cytotoxicity assays
    Channabasava Melappa Govindappa
    Bangladesh Journals Of Pharmacology 9 (1) 2014
  2. Cytotoxicity potentials of some medicinal plants in Mindanao, Philippines
    Abigal R. Cuyacot, Jhun Joules M. Mahilum and Ma. Reina Suzette B. Madamba
    Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 2014, 4(1):81-89.
  3. Adsorption of pharmaceuticals in water through lignocellulosic fibers synergism
    Tatiana Rojo Moro, Francini Reis Henrique, Lucca Centa Malucelli, Cíntia Mara Ribas de Oliveira, et al., Chemosphere, Volume 171, 2017, Pages 57-65, ISSN 0045-6535.
  4. Sensitivity and specificity prediction of the buccal micronucleus cytome assay in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis: A case-control study
    G. Gandhi, G. Tung,
    Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 822, 1-9, 2017
  5. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of novel compounds containing 2- phenoxy-1, 3, 2-benzodioxa phosphole-2-oxide and 1, 3, 4 – oxadiazole system N. Sp
    P. Jagadeeswara Rao, K. S. Bhavani Aishwarya, Y. N. Spoorthy, D. Ishrath Begum and L. K. Ravindranath
    Der Pharmacia Sinica, 2012, 3 (6):653-663.
  6. Water cytotoxicity assessment of Rajamantri River, Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java using Allium cepa as bioindicator.
    Arsita EV, Annisa.
    Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 95-100. 2019.
  1. A study on chronic otitis media in tertiary care center.
    RAJAM K., Leena et al.

    International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, 455-458 2018
  2. Bellad, S.A., Kavi, A. & Mudhol, R.S.
    Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2019) 71(Suppl 2): 1549.
  3. The Prevalence of Middle Ear Disease in The Adult Population.
    Almutairi, Talal Saad; Algayed, Husam Khalid; Alharbi, Fawaz Mohammed; Alenezi, Hadil Mohammed; et al.,
    Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 69 (8) 2955-2959 2017.
  4. Pre and intraoperative findings of chronic otitis media
    Abla Ghanie Irwan, Fiona Widyasari, Suyanti and Amelia Gunawan
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1246, conference 1.
  5. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Otitis Media with Effusion among Children
    Vismay V Harkare, Aarzoo, Vivek V Harkare, Sonali P Khadakkar, Nitin V Deosthale
    People’s Journal of Scientific Research 2018 11, 2.
  1. Ear diseases and factors associated with ear infections among the elderly attending hospital in Arar city, Northern Saudi Arabia.
    Ibrahim, S., Adam, A., Aliero, A., & Umar, S.
    Microbiology Research Journal International, 25(2), 1-9. (2018).
    Alenezi, N. G., Alenazi, A. A., Elboraei, Y., Alenazi, A. A., Alanazi, T. H., Alruwaili, A. K et al., Electronic physician, 9(9), 5304-5309 2017 doi:10.19082/5304.

MAA Research Foundation (MRF), founded in 2001 by Mrs. Sunita G Kumar, is a leading non-profit organization collaborated with MAA ENT Hospitals, providing advanced ENT care, hearing solutions, screenings, awareness, and disability inclusion initiatives.

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